
The 24th Book Review and Reflection Sharing Session Was Held

Date: 2024-02-04 09:40:40
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The 24th Book Review and Reflection Sharing Session

The 24th Book Review and Reflection Sharing Session of the Joyful Reading and Philosophy Co-building Club, along with the Googol Runners Award Ceremony, Was Successfully Held.

As seasons change in a perpetual cycle, reading encourages people to look up at the stars, reminding them that life's horizon holds not only sustenance but also beautiful dreams. Reading motivates individuals to persevere through difficulties, emphasizing that amidst the tears of struggle, there are also moments of scenic beauty. It inspires people to maintain a resilient spirit even in the valleys of life. Despite rain and snow, and the biting cold wind, those who love reading cannot extinguish the "poetry and distant horizons" within their hearts. Fortunately, members of the Googol Joyful Reading and Philosophy Co-building Club are a lovely and respectable group of individuals. On January 27, 2024, in the midst of winter, the 24th Book Review and Reflection Sharing Session, combined with the Googol Runners Award Ceremony, took place successfully, with the event hosted by Cheng Mingkai, the Application Engineering Manager of the Marketing Department.


Mr.Huan Yu

"Lao She's Camel Xiangzi" is one of the representative works of Mr. Lao She, the first artist honored with the title "People's Artist" in the newly established People's Republic of China. Xiangzi, through arduous struggles, pursues a better life, but the outcome is tragic. I feel regret and helplessness for Xiangzi, but at the same time, I deeply admire his past strength and determination. I admire his previous resilience and progress, lamenting that he could not ultimately overcome himself and society.

Xiangzi's plight reflects the hardships of the common people in the dark society of old China. This makes us appreciate the hard-won bright society of today and cherish the beautiful life we enjoy. Living in the happy era of today, the tragedy of Xiangzi will not be repeated. As long as we put in effort, there will be rewards; as long as we strive, success is achievable. We can confidently learn from Xiangzi's camel-like resilience and persistence, set our goals, adhere to our original intentions, and forge ahead to realize our dreams.


Mr.Dayuan Tang

Learning is an inexhaustible driving force for personal growth and a crucial means of changing one's destiny. When it comes to self-improvement, learning is an indispensable factor. After joining the company, I have learned the importance of daily discipline, the benefits of physical exercise, maintaining composure in the face of challenges, and the significance of daily learning, among other things, including the knowledge gained from book-sharing sessions.

Learning has enhanced my abilities and qualities, enabling me to better adapt to the challenges at work. Only through continuous learning can one stand out in fierce competition, solve life's problems more effectively, and better serve others and society. After joining the Joyful Reading and Philosophy Co-building Club and the Runners Club, my mental and physical well-being has undergone significant positive changes, thanks to my perseverance and the patient guidance and help from colleagues. Here, I want to say loudly: Thank you, everyone.


Mr.Dichang Liu

Entropy refers to the phenomenon where energy cannot be converted 100%, and the energy that cannot be utilized in the conversion process is entropy. Energy conversion always accompanies the generation of entropy, which signifies the degree of disorder and chaos in a system. The larger the entropy, the higher the level of disorder.

Following the principle of entropy increase is easy, while resisting entropy increase can be painful. For example, discipline is more challenging than laziness, and giving up is easier than persistence. Through exercise, we make ourselves healthier; through continuous learning, we gain control over our lives. If we do not actively confront entropy increase, our lives will become increasingly chaotic. Participating in marathons allows us to achieve negative entropy in both physical and mental willpower, enabling us to better face the difficulties and challenges of work, life, and even life itself.

Schrodinger once said, "To live is to resist the law of entropy increase, and life thrives on negative entropy." In the process of resisting the natural laws, the mind needs to counteract the forces of entropy, injecting reverse entropy energy into our lives, providing positive and optimistic forces. Similar to biological evolution, we overcome the forces of entropy, leading us to where we are today.


Mr.Yuwang Li

Progress in learning and taking steps forward in the new year. First, learn from others, associate with friends who radiate positive energy, and connect with friends who have achieved more than oneself. Maintain a respectful attitude, recognizing the brilliance in everyone, whether they are competitors or ordinary individuals. Learn from each person and seek benchmarks to emulate.

Second, learn from books, read good books, and read a variety of them. Reading should not be one-sided; our daily reading should incorporate beneficial books. Learn to create a well-balanced "salad" that is conducive to mental and spiritual health. This reading method is known as the balanced diet method of reading. This way, one's existence remains impartial, and the spiritual forest does not wither or deform due to nutritional deficiencies.

Lastly, learn from experiences, refine oneself through practice. Confront challenges, refine the mindset for facing difficulties, and develop methods for solving problems. Keep pace with the times; if one does not progress, they regress. Learn to root oneself in a place, progress a little each day, and witness more significant changes after a year.

In 2024, the company faces new opportunities and challenges. The members of the Joyful Reading and Philosophy Co-building Club, with their accumulated internal strength over the past three years, will actively participate in various development affairs of the company.

The spirit of civilization and a robust physique are the two essential pillars for employees' comprehensive development, inseparable from each other. The Googol Runners Club and the Joyful Reading and Philosophy Co-building Club, as Googol runners, gathered with Googol readers to share the achievements of running. 


Googol Runners

In 2023, Googol runners were assessed based on points, with 20 kilometers of running earning 1 point and participating in organized group runs also earning 1 point. Accumulating 30 points awarded the title of "Outstanding Runner" for the year. The overall assessment increased by 50% compared to 2022. In the end, 12 runners were honored with the title of "Outstanding Runner" for 2023, including Liu Dichang, Lei Shiyuan, Tang Dayuan, Zhong Jianbiao, He Zhaoxin, Zhu Aihong, Wang Zhengfei, Chen Yu, Wu Jian, Li Yuwang, Deng Zilan, and Li Jun. Congratulations to Tang Dayuan for also being awarded the title of "Best Runner."


Best Runner of the Year Mr.Dayuan Tang

It is not difficult to see that the identities of Googol runners and Googol readers overlap in Googol people. In front of the desk, they are readers; on the racetrack, they are runners. "Still as a maiden, swift as a rabbit" is a true depiction of Googol people. In the new year, let's start anew, feel the power of words, and measure the vastness of the journey. The new year always brings new expectations, whether it's reading a few good books, completing a course, or exploring new territories on foot around the new base. If possible, I hope it's done by running, reading thousands of books, and walking thousands of miles.

Group photo from the conference.


Group Photo

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